Our team focuses on the mechanisms of B- and T-cell activation and tolerance breakdown leading to the development of autoimmunity during autoimmune diseases (in particular systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), antiphospholipid syndrome, and systemic sclerosis) and during primary immunodeficiencies, using murine models (cell lines, transgenic mice) as well as human samples from patients. Our research is facilitated by our closed collaboration with the Clinical Immunology department of Strasbourg Hospital (Head: Pr Anne-Sophie Korganow) and with the French National reference center for systemic autoimmune diseases East South-West (RESO) (Head: Pr Thierry Martin).
Our team is composed of 6 permanent researchers (2 PU-PH-MD, 1 PU-PH-PharmD, 1 PU-PH-dentalD, 1 MCU-PH-MD, and 1 MCU), 1 PHU, 2 engineers and students.
Current projects (and models):
- Genetic studies, functional genomics and study of autoreactive B cell characteristics (repertoire, transcriptome…) for a better comprehension of B cell tolerance breakdown in autoimmune situations (SLE, antiphospholipid syndrome – Primary Immunodeficiencies)
- Consequences of STING gain of function on the development and phenotype of lymphocytes (CrisprCas9 mouse model)
- Functional validation of a new phosphatase involved in T cell signaling (CrisprCas9 human cell lines, proteomic analysis)
- Role of pathogens in the pathophysiology of systemic sclerosis (mouse model)
- Role of autophagy-related proteins in BCR trafficking (autophagy-deficient mouse models)
- Role of lymphocytes’ autophagy in the development of systemic sclerosis in humans
Pr Pauline Soulas-Sprauel, group leader :
The group has established multiple collaborations with national and international scientists:
Pr Jean-Laurent Casanova and Dr Laurent Abel (New York, USA & Imagine Institute, France)
Pr Hélène Dollfus (Inserm U1112, CRBS, France)
Dr Loïc Dupré (Infinity Institute, France)
Pr Bodo Grimbacher (Freiburg, Germany)
Dr Vincent Flacher (IBMC, France)
Pr Marie-Louise Frémond & Pr Yanick Crow (Imagine Institute, France)
Dr Laura Gamez Diaz (Freiburg, Germany)
Dr Élise Jacquin (Dijon, France)
Pr Sophie Janssens (Ghent, Belgium)
Dr Peggy Kirstetter & Susan Chan (IGMBC, France)
Pr Martin Kriegel (Münster, Germany)
Dr Nils Landegren (Uppsala, Sweden)
Dr Valérie Lecureur (Rennes, France)
Pr. Matthieu Mahevas (CHU Henri Mondor & INEM, France)
Pr Eric Meffre (Yale, USA)
Pr Christian Münz (Universität Zürich, Switzerland)
Dr Frédéric Rieux-Laucat (Imagine Institute, France)
Pr Marta Rizzi (Freiburg, Germany & Vienna, Austria)
Seed Money (Eucor)
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
European program Interreg Rhin Supérieur
European program Offensive Sciences
Idex (University of Strasbourg)
Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM)
Arthritis Foundation
Centre de référence des déficits immunitaires héréditaires (CEREDIH)
Groupe Français de Recherche sur la sclérodermie (GFRS)
Association des sclérodermiques de France (ASF)
Groupement Interrégional de Recherche clinique et d’innovation de l’Est (GIRCI-Est).
CSL Behring
SNFMI (Société Nationale de Médecine Interne)